Saturday, October 10, 2009


If anyone had to ask me how did it happen? That would be my answer. Well, that would be the simple answer. The more complex answer (and definitely the most surreal) would be that I took Edward Cullen’s advice. It all started with the lanky, (less bulky than his brother) boy with bronze-colored hair, with a devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful face and with forearms that is surprisingly hard and muscular beneath his light skin (all this information was given by Bella Swan).
By now everyone reading this should have realized that I’ve been bitten, not in the sense of once bitten, twice shy. Oh no… I’ve become Twitterpayted, a Twilighter, a Twihard, you can call me anything you want to as long as it’s not a Twimom. That I am definitely not! I am a fan all of my own making :)


Seeing the movie in December, purchasing the books for my birthday, To Me … From Me, and then speed-reading the first 3 books and slowly making my way across the pages of the final installment, letting my hands turn the pages lazily because I could not bear getting to the last page. What would happen, this could not end, this was not meant to end, where could I get more, how was I going to survive this? Considering that no-one I knew was quite as “bitten” as I was, this was going to be hard, very, very hard. And that was when the internet became a real highway to me. I was flitting around looking for anything I could find on my favorite character and his family (and of course his forever love) I came across a bunch (literally pages and pages) of links to different websites but all of these (seemed to me) catered to the younger set. Now, let’s just clarify, I have never considered myself OLD. In my mind, I AM 17. Okay, okay my body definitely does not agree with that but that’s a separate issue.

My fingers found it hard to keep up with my brain. And then, finally, I Google’d….. Twilight older women. Hmmmm quite a few interesting links popped up everything from a twilight cruise to something akin to “how to be a successful cougar:) But, the one that stood out was to and a group “olderwomangroup”. I clicked I signed up and I was relieved… it was like coming home. Here were likeminded women, and the creator, Donna had clearly been bitten as badly as me. The members were very, very sharing in their fount of endless pictures, quotes, links, and best of all, sharing their obsession. They were as bad as I was. Well, there was the odd one that made me feel like a less devoted follower because they knew EVERYTHING, could talk about ANYTHING and they seemed to have collected all the photos there were of the Cullen family, the movie, the stills, the quotes, and more specifically, they were specialists in the supply of photos of the actor who pretends to be Edward Cullen… Robert Pattinson! And, if I am totally honest, it took me months before I became “Robsessed”. Until then the magic was Edward Cullen, forever love, chivalry, virtue, a 107 year old virgin who just happened to be a vampire! I could stare at his pictures forever and dream about that one true love, the one that really did happen at 17, the one who was only too eager to ‘turn’ me but I was too ostentatious to submit to my feelings for him. I was a strong, independent “woman” who all but needed another male controlling the outcome of her life. Little did I realize what it was that I had given up with 4 harsh words … I don’t want you… but that would be a totally separate entry, quite possibly a book even LOL

After a couple of months, the members started talking about the upcoming release of New Moon, the second movie installment in TTS. The premiere would be in Los Angeles, CA. It would be happening on the 20th of November and I was going vicariously live through the eyes of my Shimmer Sisters. A phrase I coined not long after becoming part of the amazing group of older women, and which I thought described us the best, we were bitten by a vampire, one whose dazzling diamond encrusted body had rubbed off on us and left us shimmering. Up until then I had made wonderful friends, I had been raised thinking that sharing yourself with complete strangers was a taboo. Hmmmm, right…. Let me think on that for a moment …. hmmm… nope that might be true but, it was very quickly proven wrong as I found my niche. I was happy to share and in fact I couldn’t share enough. My life became an open book to my Shimmer Sisters. My day to day life meant something to someone else. I was no longer dependant on people to pretend to be interested in my day just because we were sharing an office. I was sharing with people scattered all over the world. Women who gave me e-hugs and e-kleenex. Who wished me a belated birthday, who celebrated in my joy and who ‘hugged’ me in my sadness.

Back to why I am where I am …. in America!! Not a Karaoke bar or a street market somewhere on the coast of Thailand… oh no, I am in the land of milk and honey, Disneyworld, the Kennedy Space Centre, Nashville, Graceland. I am where I’ve been led to.

One day I received a very generous offer from one of my sisters, one that started my brain ‘processing’ the possibilities, one that made me break through the walls of the box I had put myself into. My reply was thanks…… but I could never accept such a generous gift and she was persistent. And in that moment, the voice in my head, got louder and eventually started shouting at me. But, I was still not listening, not hearing, not paying attention to it. I was being human, being stubborn and totally unrelenting in the control I had given my mind over my future. However, I had started saving up for this once in a lifetime event, thinking maybe, just maybe, I could actually do this.

Now, life has a strange way of dealing you the cards that guide your future…. I believe that nothing happens which shouldn’t and everything that happens actually does have a reason (okay, missing a connecting flight and sleeping on the floor of the airport for the night … that’s pushing it LOL) A friend of mine was killed in a motorbike accident. I was at his funeral and chatting to another friend, discussing the meaning of life, being reminded of the value of it when a very young friends’ gets ripped away, making that difference in your life. The one that will lead you to making a decision which will have other people wonder at your bravery and have you breaking out in hot and cold sweats. The decision that will have you packing up your life, putting your other life on hold (again) and moving across the oceans, across continents … literally moving to the New World. All it took was for my friend to ask the question “why are you waiting?” and a switch was thrown…. money, fear, risk ……….. and I realized I am wasting away whilst I could take the leap of faith and go for it. In the moment that I made that decision my whole life changed…. Suddenly I was getting invitations from my Shimmer Sisters…. Come visit me… come stay with me …let’s meet for coffee…. Come share with me and then Donna extended the ultimate invitation. Mom has invited you to stay with her! How much bigger a sign do I want than to be offered a ‘home’, a place where I could feel safe and cherished? I accepted, started the whole visa application process, before I knew it……… 3 months turned into 3 hours and I was on a plane from Bangkok to Washington DC via Tokyo!!

I left Hua Hin on the 6th of October, spent the night in the Bangkok Airport, left the next morning on a flight to Tokyo (not such gr8 pics) which was slightly bumpy flight due to the tail end of a typhoon. Then in Washington we ran into some strong winds and had to circle around for a while. After a shaky landing, which had me a bit worried, I went through Customs but there had been so many delayed landings that the lines were very long, and I missed my connection flight to Kansas City. Of course that meant another night in an airport and after meandering through the various shops, I finally picked out some seats to get comfy on and tried to sleep. The best spot turned out to be on the floor and I got some shuteye in a very, very cold airport.

The following morning I was first in line at the departure point, well I had to be seeing as I was flying standby, and I had the biggest smile when they called my name. Little did I know that it was not over, setting down in Kansas was tricky, lots of wind, lots of rain, but finally we did land and I was only too happy to step off the airplane. Turned out that I had another day ahead of me in an airport and only at 4pm did I get into a cab and left for the bus station. After another hour, I finally got on a bus and left for Iola. Almost 2 ½ hours later the bus pulled into the bus stop.

Seeing Donna and her mom standing there, I had the normal fears, will they like me, will I like them, and will they regret extending the invitation :)? All of these fears were laid to rest the moment I stepped down and into their arms. Hugs and tears and more hugs secured the knowledge that this was meant to be. I was home with my sister(s) and a brand new MOM!


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